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CBTS RAD, CDTA-L, CSTD, AAC, C.P.R. & Sports First Aid,
Alixa Flexibility Certified, PBT Certified, SFT certified.
Hi, I am Miss Jo, and I am one of the teachers at Dance Elements and also the studio’s director! When I am not in the studio, I am happily hanging out with my family! I have 3 daughters- Sophia, Jocelyn and Adalie, a husband named Chad and a big snuggly pooch called Tucker. I wanted to name him Larry (no one agreed with me - oh well).
You will see me in the studio teaching a variety of different styles of dance, as well as classes consisting of different age levels. I love to laugh, but NEVER at my dancers! I am chatty, easily distracted ( think squirrel) and super easy to approach, so when you see me - say hi; tell me about your day and share your wow moments and your "ugh" moments with me! I pride myself on my ability to listen and relate, BUT most of all, I love that I get to be part of your daily lives. I can be strict- think Mary Poppins- I always keep our classes safe and FUN. I never get upset - certain I can get grumpy- I am a mom after all- but I never get upset with my dancers. I am here for you whether that is in a one on one environment or in a peer setting. I believe we are creating a community out of class and culture in class thats will grow you as a human and I take my imprint on your journey very seriuosly.
My favorite part about teaching is helping people learn and grow, this is because we all learn differently, and I think that is both important and cool! I am always learning and growing and I am so excited, for this season and cannot wait to see all of my dancers soon- as well as meet all of my new dancers!! I am so honored that you have chosen Dance Elements, welcome to our dance family!❤️
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